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Re: CHAT: minimum phonemes, was Re: vrindo

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Monday, June 21, 1999, 0:57
Paul Bennett wrote:
> This is all off the top of my head, but IIRC Hawaiian has 7C and 5V > (plus length distinction in vowels), something like: >=20 > h k p l ' w n > a e i o u
There's also m, and diphthongs, which are, I THINK, ai, au, ei, ou, with length distinction. I may be mistaken on the diphthongs, tho. Hawaiian has the smallest number of possible syllables, incidentally, just 162, IIRC, only CV syllables (which would make sense, (8 consonants + 1 [for no consonant]) * (5V+4D)(2 [length]) =3D 9*9*2 =3D 162 My very first phonology for what was then provisionally called 1998A (now Watakass=ED) was: p t k s n w y i u a +length distinctions And syllables could only end with n or s or no consonant, thus (7+1)(6)(2+1) =3D 144 possible syllables, even fewer than Hawaiian, quite intentionally. Modern Watakass=ED has many more syllables possible, I'm not sure how many, tho, since the syllable-constraints are kinda complicated. Incidentally, here's the history of the name, as far as I can recall: 1998A W'-ansan-sanu Wansansanu' Watya'yai`sa Watya'i`sa Watya'i'sa Watakassi' (Notice the consistency of initial wa-) --=20 Yaw=EDntasva natab=ED, plan saf=ED nlak=FAsi ICQ #: 18656696 AIM screen-name: NikTailor