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Re: *mumble* *grumble* sound changes *mutter*

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Friday, April 28, 2006, 12:58
-----Original Message-----
>From: Henrik Theiling <theiling@...> >Paul Bennett writes: >> The more I look at the results, the less satisfied I am that they >> plausibly represent an IE language at around 1000CE, when compared to >> the difference between PIE and (e.g.) Old English, or even Lithuanian. > >You mean it's still too closely related to PIE?
Yes. Disturbingly so, in fact. Not enough Afro-Asiatic influence, either. To say nothing of the conhistorical contact with Sumerian, and plausibly Akkadian, Elamite, Old Persian, and, just... GAH!
>> I need to start paying >> attention to vowel length and stress placement in PIE, as well as >> learning more about the nominal and verbal stems, and the sound >> changes in both Indo-Iranian and Balto-Slavic. Not to mention the >> sound changes in Coptic and Hebrew. Ach y fi. > >In a (remote) future version of the script, stress will probably be >directly supported. Benct had to do some complicated stuff, too, to >handle stress, I think. I did not need it, since stress is always on >the first syllable in my file, but I did put it onto my TODO list.
I plan to handle it by having a stress "phoneme" in the source text at this point, but I could conceivably have some rules to insert that phoneme based on vowel length, or syllable weight, or some other factor.
>> This will be no small undertaking, I fear... > >But hopefully, it's fun! :-) > >And please show us results as soon as you think you have something >presentable. :-)
Don't hold your breath waiting. It may be some time. Paul