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Re: FINAL QUESTION: your natlangs. Sorry this is the last of the survey...

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Friday, October 9, 1998, 5:14
On Wed, 7 Oct 1998 21:47:01 -0000, Tommie Powell
<tommiepowell@...> wrote:

>Yes. Incidentally, I noticed that about half of the respondants to =
>survey have been people who work in computer/math fields -- doubtlessly >"logic geeks" (like me) -- and that the other half generally have strong >"artistic" sensibilities. That's a peculiar mix, isn't it? >-- Tommie
I don't know; there's quite a bit of art in writing a good algorithm (or formulating an elegant proof if you're mathematically inclined), while on the other hand there's a lot of mathematical structure in art forms (particularly music). Both sorts of activities require a good deal of creativity, which is also a prerequisite for conlanging.