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Re: OT: Time to cut loose? Mli Vjacgu nee Vjatjackwa

From:Christian Köttl <christian.koettl@...>
Date:Saturday, February 25, 2006, 20:52
First:  All my best wishes for the delivery of your child. That's
something very special.
Now, you must feel your child already very intensely ... especially
when its protesting against something ;-)
NB: For me as foreign speaker, this sounds odd: "Delivery" for
"bringing birth to a child"? Is it really correct?

>I am looking for direction with the conlang I'm trying to take to >usable-sketch status before I parturiate at the end of April. > >[snip] > >1) Are my latest additions to the sound change rules overboard? The >language description *with* the latest additions is at > , and without them >at . >[snip]
A nice set of very different changes that surely wreak havoc ... . Given enough time and intermediary stages for this changes to materialise, there are for sure noot "overboard".
>2) Is it time to cut loose from running things endlessly through the >sound-change engine, and start implementing what I called Stage 8 in >the webpage: > > "Stage 8: Regularize some paradigms by analogy. Add new affixes > and clitics using the new phonology. Apply considerable semantic > drift to obscure origins of word pairs/triads created in Stage 2. > Provide suppletive roots for extremely common words. Create a > grammar." > >Or shall I indulge my curiosity, and find out what happens to distinctiveness >under the new sound-change rules if the noun-form prefixes "ke" and "ta" >in the proto-language became infixes "ek" and "at", and similar infixation >governed the table of correlatives?
It is for sure satisfying to fully flesh out a grammar as it brings the language to life. Even more so if grammatical and sound changes develop together, and a change in grammar is induced by a sound change and vice versa. The possibilites! Btw, infixes are a very nice thing. I don't know actually how or why they come into existence - only that they are well attested and make a language even more fun to learn. ("What, lirbniu is related to lio, just three infixes and a different ending? How come I did not see that?") I am for sure the wrong one to give any tips, though I would suggest that you try the infix idea for one or two stages and a few words, and look if the results are satisfying so as to not waste your time on a language change that is ultimately unpleasant to you. I, for one, have always problems discarding a change I already have worked into my language's documentation. Thus, I try them out on a few examples and look if I like the results. On the correlatives: Your newest sound changes mean that the words are actually easier to discern - a nice touch. I definitely like them more than the older ones. Christian