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Re: boustrophedon in Re: yet another romance conlang

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 5, 2000, 21:52
Steg Belsky wrote:
> I thought it'd look cool, not cute...
Sure. Maybe in one or two documents somewhere. As the usual practice of the whole language? Fuggetaboutit.
> and that it might be slightly faster to read, since you don't have to go > back and find the beginning of the next line if it's right below the end > of the previous line.
Faster to write, maybe, especially if you are carving on stone or something. I can flick my eyeball back to the beginning of the line pretty #*(@# fast.
> And, it might not be such an airtight equation of judeo-languages being > written in hebrew characters, since those are all diasporan, and ju:dajca > is supposed to be judean. could the RL languages have been written in > hebrew in order to differentiate them from the surrounding language that > they were derived from?
Naah. Literacy to Jews has always meant Hebrew literacy, since that's the language of Scripture. Hebrew may be extinct as a spoken tongue in your conculture, but I can't believe it's extinct as a written one. So using Hebrew script for French, German, Greek, Arabic, Aramaic, etc. instead of the usual scripts is just automatic: if you know one script, you tend to use it for all languages, which is why so many languages either use Latin script exclusively or at least have a romanized form today.
> And with the language spreading out from roman imperial colonists, i > doubt the original speakers of the language would have switched over to > hebrew script for the benefit of the judeans they were trying to > overwhelm.
This is a strong point, actually: people of different origins might use different scripts. But not every other line!
> And anyway, i said it's "commonly" written that way.....with the highly > fractured conculture i'm trying to develop, there'd be some factions > (unassimilated colonists, hellenists) who would write only in the latin > script, and others (cultural zealots, religious officials) who would > write only in the hebrew script (if people descended idealogically from > zealots would speak in a romance language at all).
> But i would write it > boustrophedon, and i expect that a student rushing through rewriting an > essay before the test is about to end would write it boustrophedon too in > order to save whatever measly seconds that it takes to go back to the > beginning of the line. :-)
Any student of mine who did that would find himself on the other end of big fat zero. -- Schlingt dreifach einen Kreis vom dies! || John Cowan <jcowan@...> Schliesst euer Aug vor heiliger Schau, || Denn er genoss vom Honig-Tau, || Und trank die Milch vom Paradies. -- Coleridge (tr. Politzer)