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Re: New Word Generator

From:taliesin the storyteller <taliesin-conlang@...>
Date:Saturday, September 29, 2007, 21:30
* Petr Mejzlík said on 2007-09-29 22:10:31 +0200
> One that could learn automatically would be amazing, but I > guess that's too far-fetched and really complicated to make. > OTOH people can get used to a new phonotactics intuitively so > a computer should be able to do it as well (and it's not about > meaning so it shouldn't require human knowledge). It would > have to somehow identify and classify the phonemes with some > really neat statistical algorithm. Not that I know how to do > it though.
What you want is a Markov generator. Look up "Markov chain" on Wikipedia. They are commonly used to make nonsense text and spam text, though it's a no-brainer to have it learn phonemes instead of words. Give a Markov-generator some words and it'll output words that resemble the input. The problem though is how the quality and quantity of input affects the quality of output; for conlang word-generation it is important to have enough input, if necessary by duplicating some words. t.


Petr Mejzlík <imploder@...>