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Re: Color

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 5, 2000, 6:10
In a message dated 2000:09:04 9:44:42 PM, abrigon@YAHOO.COM writes:

>I know that in some environments that a color can mean life/death. >Friend or foe. It seems to be inbred in us.. Or just learned by us so we >can live.. I know if you are a hunter/gather, you look at a plant, you >can tell if it is dangerous or just good to eat. Also a way to tell if >a >person is a member of your family, or just someone else.. Easy to use in >combat, especially when you are all armored up, friends = color you >recognise, enemy=color you don't recognize
*gigglabyte* that's as funny as some those "Primal Language" theories in my opinion. Sounds like something straight out of some late19th century anthropology textbook report written by some scientist taken with the then new theory of Darwin. :) In many cultures there was no racial identification - you either were familiar or a stranger ... -or - in the Chinese case as in the Greek, you either were civilized or barbarian... -or - you were human or non-human... The idea of racial division(s) has/have gotten their historical impetus from erronous Romantic era "scientific" theories. The Social Darwinists and Eugenics Movement based their ideas fully on these racialist theories. The Nazis carried them out to their most "logical extreme." czHANg