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Re: Weekly Vocab #1.1.3 (repost #1)

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Thursday, September 14, 2006, 0:18
doctor             miðkur            < medicus
healer             sántur            < sana+tor
medicine           miðkin            < medicina
ear                eyrk              < *auricia < *auricla < auricula
eye                okl               < oculus
friend             enkur (m),        < amicus
                   enkin (f)         < *amic-ina
to itch            prýðir            < *prudire < prurire
to scratch         skernir           < scarpinare
pain               dolur             < dolor
to hurt            dölir             < dolere
diagnosis          jagratjænndérkæpratjó
                                     < errrm -- this is one of the scary
                                       neologisms probably made up to
                                       avoid loans.  It is modelled after
                                       Icelandic 'sjúkdómsgreining', lit.
                                       'sicknessdiscerning'.  I am not
                                       fully satisfied with this entry, so
                                       it may change as soon as a more
                                       concise verb is available.
to heal, to cure   sánir             < sanare
ill                máltur,           < *ma:labtus < *malehabitus
                   jögrur {formal}   < aeger
illness            jagratjó          < aegra + tio (actually -a- is a
                                       filler vowel, not the original one)

She is my doctor.           Þissa er miðkur myr.
Our friends are ill.        Enki nöstri sutt mælti.
She will cure my friends.   Þissa haft sánir enkar mjær.

I had some problems with the other sentences and need to think more, so
that's it for now.


PS: The lexicon is now at 338 words.