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Re: THEORY: Underspecification

From:And Rosta <a.rosta@...>
Date:Saturday, December 11, 1999, 14:50
Ed Heil
> Underspecification is a phenomenon which is probably universal in > human semiotics. Letters, even in a very phonetic alphabet, are never > sufficient to encode everything about the pronunciation of a text. > The cutoff for specification varies, but something is always left > unwritten, a blank to be filled in by inference by the speaker or > reader. In the Latin alphabet, fairly phonetic, vowel length was > unspecified. In the Greek alphabet, vowel length was unspecified only > for some vowels. In both of those, punctuation marks and word > divisions were often left unspecified. > > But this takes place on higher levels as well. The meaning of a > sentence uttered in context is more than the sum of the meanings of > the words and the syntax, just as the sound of a word uttered in > context is more than the sum of the sounds of the letters. > > The book _The User Illusion_ is largely about this fact -- the fact > that we put into our words, and get out of them, far more than one can > ever say is "in" them. It's (superficially) like a very effective > compression algorithm -- megs and megs of data may be transmitted as a > 100K JPEG image. Because there's something intelligent on one end > that compresses it and something intelligent on the other end that > decompresses it. (Always distrust computer metaphors for human > phenomena, though. :) > > That's just one of my favorite cogsci/linguistics topics. The way > that language is not so much an encoding of meaning as a device > intended to elicit meaning in a suitably prepared brain. It doesn't > "contain" meaning any more than a rider's spurs "contain" a horse's > speed.
While accepting the first three paragraphs and the spuriousness of the container metaphor, I would content the implication that a language is not an encoding of meaning. I think that's exactly what it is: a set of sentences, where a sentence is pairing of a meaning (an underspecified proposition) and an underspecified sound (or gesture). Modulo a certain amount of polysemy in the word "language", language is a code, not metaphorically but literally. --And.