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Re: Homonyms across conlangs (part 1)

From:David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 2, 2005, 7:24
Part 1, eh?  Can't wait to see what part 2 is.

Here's my first result, Iliani-Verdurian homonyms. Actually, since I
haven't completed letter-to-sound part, these are really homographs.

Is this interesting in any way? :-)

You bet!  Assuming these are basically IPA, I think it'd be neat to
have a nice big list of various phonological forms that correspond
to different words in different conlangs--natlangs, too.  Why not?

I'll add some where possible (only showing those that have equivalents):

<looks over dictionaries>

Huh.  Would you look at that: Not one single homonym.  They're all
possible in at least one of my languages.  I could've *sworn* I had a
word "mena" somewhere, but nope: Nothing.  Oh well.  Nevertheless,
in honor of your idea, I've coined a word in Gweydr:

grel: Iliani clean-shaven, Verdurian hail, Gweydr list

The idea of a "list" is a useful concept to have, and since what you
is a list, Gweydr now has a word for "list" based on your list.



Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>