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Re: Animacy, Inverse Systems and Word Order

From:JS Bangs <jaspax@...>
Date:Monday, November 3, 2003, 18:44
Caveat lector: I am not an expert on animacy systems, but the following
reflect what I know from my reading.

> I'm toying with a new language that has animacy as well as an inverse system. > I have a couple of questions about natural languages with inverse systems > (i.e., what's attested, what's not). > > First: Do languages with animacy and inverse systems ever have noun cases?
I don't believe so. You can have case with either animacy *or* an inverse system, but if you have all three one of them seems like it'll be redundant.
> Second, assume the following: > > 1.) togo = man > 2.) luka = wolf > 3.) mata = see > 4.) -s = inverse > 5.) Humans are considered to be of higher animacy than animals. > 6.) Verb-final word order. > > According to the above system, both /togo luka mata/ and /luka togo mata/ > would mean "The man sees the wolf." > > However, let's say a language has preferred SOV word order.
I believe it is typical of animacy/inverse language to have very free word order. This is, in fact, the reason for having animacy rules: you can always know who did what to whom while putting your arguments in whatever order is appropriate for the discourse.
> Would this mean that you would never see /luka togo mata/? Or are > there systems where the noun with higher animacy must *necessarily* > precede/follow the noun with lesser animacy, making one of the two word > orders impossible? And, if this is so, let's say that you'd have:
I can't say much about what is *necessarily* true, or even about specific examples of such systems. What I do know is that strict word order considerations are not typical of animacy-heirarchy languages. I don't even think you can consider languages "SVO" or "SOV" or whatever.
> I don't really know much about animacy/inverse systems, so I was wondering. > Also, does having case obviate the need for an inverse system?
Yes, as I said above. Animate/inverse is a way of having unambiguous argument structure without any marking of the noun arguments themselves. -- Jesse S. Bangs "We're counting on our virtues, Cause it's too hard to count the dead." - Jason Webley


Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>