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Re: Conlang in-jokes.

From:Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 30, 2005, 2:05
Andreas Johansson wrote:
> Some days ago, I built a little joke into Meghean which I thought pretty neat; > the word _patha_ "disembodied spirit" becomes in the definite accusative > plural _phanto_, which of course has a more than accidental similarity to > "phantom". > > (The plural formation by infix is somewhat irregular; you'd expect **_phathano_. > The same pattern is seen in _guthu_ "death", pl _gunt_.) > > Anyone else have something similar to share?
Not quite the same, but my Kassi use a logographic script. One of the characters, meaning "good", is written with the radical "man" plus the radical "field", kind of a parody on the hanzi "good" which is written woman+child. They're a matriarchal society.