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Re: Online Language Identifier

From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 31, 2005, 3:24
I tried a few sentences (and that doesn't add credibility to the

Sentence: "uh?"
Language: Malay

Sentence: "eeeee"
Language: Estonian_Cp1257

Sentence: "Oool Oool Oool"
Language: Dutch

Sentence: "I am here"
Language: Welsh

Sentence: "x xx xxx xxxx"
language: Latin

Sentence: "I wanna be sedated" (The Ramones)
Language: Czech

But I also tried for a Vbazi sentence with the first verse of the Tower of

Sentence: "Vbaizj'l zi jylnii lala ykdyv zi vyw hyn de nimilevi"
Language: Slovakian

(A little question that would help for my translation of the Tower of Babel:
In the second verse, dpending of the source, I can find "And as they came
from the east" or "As men moved eastward"... A they moving from East or

- Max


Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>Babel East (was: Online Language Identifier)