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Weekly Vocab 7 (Gamelang)

From:mathias <takatunu@...>
Date:Friday, May 16, 2003, 20:53
( Gamelang and Gameland are now up on the web at )

1. real--kirasi

This is not real silk.
Pamanga aputaki raipukanupikungi.
This not be-fabric-cocoon.

2. skirt--kuruma (puwamingu)

I'd like to try on that skirt. (No, I'm not a transvestite.)
Atimanga kimata samina kuruma pamanga. (Wanga aputaki
Wish test wear dress this. (Well not be-man-disguise-female).

3. to need--kutinu ; tamaki (physical urge to eat, sleep, etc).

I need to find a present for my sister.
Akutinu kiruma paitunisa uyu kutimimaruki yu pikani.
I need do-find present to sibling-female of me.

4. stair--makuri (also: ladder)

The shop is up the stairs and on the left.
Pikina amininga pitaru makuri wanga u mawatingi.
Shop locates upper stair then in un_right.

5. upper--pitaru

They don't sell much in an upper room, but it must be cheap to rent.
Putaki timunga asaitaikananga u manisu pitaru u musiti wi paisutina manisu
Not many be-sold in room upper with contradiction that renting room

6. to approve--mikiru

I don't approve of that style of clothing. It's immodest.
Aputaki mikiru kamisa yu surangi pamanga u saniru wi asiwaruki.
Not approve manner of clothes this with reason that un_decent.

7. jewelry--piripirisu

I would like to go shopping for jewelry now.
Ataminga sakiti kurungu piripirisu u marisa.
Wish go procure jewelry in now.

8. golden--yamitira

That is a lovely golden torc. Do you have it in a larger size?
Sikunu-pasangu yamitira pamanga akirunu. A kunungu yatikari sanuta wangi?
Loop-neck golden this is-beautiful. There-is same that-more big eh?

9. color--paruta

I love the color of gold.
Asumumutu paruta yu mitira.
Much_like colour of gold.

10. expensive--pinatu

I can't buy that; it is far too expensive.
Aputaki sumati paikananga pamanga; timiku apunanata pinanatu.
Not can buy this; it much_too much_expensive.

Note: duplication of the second syllable stresses intensity:
punata: too much > punanata: way too much
pinatu: expensive > pinanatu: what a rip-off