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Re: TECH: Font Embedding

From:Rik Roots <rik@...>
Date:Monday, December 8, 2008, 20:19
Christophe Grandsire-Koevoets wrote:
> <snip> > So far it's the best solution I've seen for browsers that don't support CSS3 > web fonts. But it's still just a crutch. >
My lord - I've just discovered that Safari (on Windows) supports the @font-face CSS declarations - and Firefox are supposed to be supporting them in v3.1? Knock me down with a feather! Which just leaves IE, which only does the trick for .eot fonts (which have been proposed as an open Web standard, whatever that means). Still, that's major progress, but not enough yet to let me abandon using images for examples of my conscripts on my website ... Rik


David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>