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Re: Enochian, also ritual language, was: The search...perfect language

From:Jim Grossmann <steven@...>
Date:Thursday, June 10, 1999, 3:24
>It seems to me that a really well designed conlang could do wonders to >enhance the aesthetics and psychological effects of a ritual. That's >also IMO. The time it takes to construct, the time it takes to learn, >the degree to which it separates you from your mundane reality, and the >overall artistry would all be good for setting the stage for whatever >you are doing.
I say this without sarcasm: it's so dissappointing that occult mumbo jumbo is just mumbo jumbo. It really takes the magic out of magic to learn that Enochian is just an inept relex. I don't think I have time to invent a ritual language, but I'd love to see it happen. If it were my project, I'd start with an attempt to create a euphonious, or at least exotic, phonology. Has anybody already taken this project on? Jim