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Re: USAGE: Hither, thither and yon (was Re: Weekly Vocab 26)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Sunday, October 19, 2003, 21:55
Paul Bennett/A.Walker/M.Reed have discussed--
> What about the phrase "Hither, thither and yon", which I've > encountered in quasi-archiac contexts (i.e. from my Grandparents) > meaning "All over the place"? Is this something unique to both sets > of my grandparents (from different regional and social lects), or is > it just British, or is it archaic, or what is the exact distribution? >
Yes, that's familiar to me too, in a grandparently context; the 3 who were US-born were pure upper midwest in speech.


Tristan McLeay <zsau@...>
Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>