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Re: isolation vs inflection & other features

From:Kala Tunu <kalatunu@...>
Date:Friday, April 26, 2002, 18:26
ebera <ebera@...> wrote:
Anyway, it doesn't change what I meant. Chinese has the same level of case-marking than any other language. <<< if you refer to the existence and the identification of the semantic core actors (AGENT, PATIENT, ATTRIBUTE, etc.) rather than to the tagging of grammatical cases (NOMINATIVE, ACCUSATIVE, GENITIVE, etc.) then i'd say: yes.
I don't ram open doors. I don't know where open doors are. I've never read any book on general linguistics. I far prefer the 'feel the truth on your own' method. Here I just tell you what I 'felt true' from my one-year experience and wait your comments to make it better (what you've done). BTW, I'm French too.Don't underestimate my modesty, it's my main quality :) <<< i don't think you're vain or wrong--but maybe you're too impatient. you may read books on general linguistics not necessarily to learn linguistics but to learn the linguistic vocabulary in order to avoid misunderstanding with other people on this list when discussing this kind of issue. communication means using a common vocabulary. people here understand the difference between core and surface cases very well--yet provided that you speak their own tongue.
Case can be marked by a preposition, an affixe or a postposition. Sometimes word order can be used to ellipsis these 'spoken' markers. As for Khmer, if serial verbs are of the kind 'is the owner' then sure I would consider it a preposition for the possessive case. <<< ok, so i can see you're writing about "semantic" cases, which we often call "roles" here.
It was meant to mean 'empirical naming'. You don't tell me much on how professional linguists dealt with this classification. <<< french grammarians and semanticians have set a classification of what you call "levels" (in french: "niveaux d'énoncé"): 1. concepts pair up into one entity (entité) with one behaviour (comportement) 2. a behaviour is either unaspective ("outside time") or aspective ("within time") then there are stuff like attribute vs. role, rheme vs. theme, predicate vs. argument, etc. note that an "entité" may be a "comportement" regarding its own "comportement" and reversely so that there is no possible isolated "comportement". if you get what i mean, then you may understand that i agree with your criticism of Lojban in some way and myself am criticizing Rick Morneau's compounding relators. all this is analysed at the "lexie" level, that is beyond the word, phrase and clause levels--or rather it transcends them. note as well that i discovered from chatting on this list that all this seems typically french. what is felt obvious and unquestionable in french books i've read and even in the national automatic translation machine lab i've visited is not necessarily considered so elsewhere. now, from what i read from you, i think you will like this kind of "philosophy" so i recommend the following books: "Linguistique générale" de Bernard Pottier (éditions Klincksieck) "L'Homme de parole" de Claude Hagège "La Sémantique" de Vincent Nyckees (éditions Belin)--the foreword of the last one reads "Ce que les Anglo-saxons appellent la sémantique formelle [...] n'a guère produit à ce jour de résultats généralisables." just to tell you how much chomskyans are welcome in france :-)
Cases marking relations between nouns, I see genitive as the undefined case. Just like the undefined article. When you say 'a dog' you speak about one specific dog but you don't specify which one, and haven't done previously. Using genitive, a speaker tells his listener there is a relation between nouns, but doesn't tell which one. It's supposed to be obvious. If not, the speaker should use one of the defined cases (possessive, locative). So for 'a girl in bikini' you could say 'girl bikini' and for 'the girl's bikini', 'bikini girl'. This, of course, is pointless if the genitive case is marked in the same way than possessive. <<< ok. i think you mean that the "true" relation between two nouns or between a noun and a subordinate predicate may be omitted and you don't feel like tagging that relation. i would translate in french that you refer to the general relation between two entities while omitting their behaviour ("to possess", "to aim at", etc)
> >>>
To my eyes, you're describing me the fact that carnovorous is an agglutinated word (carn: meat, vor: eater, ous: adjective case) and the fact that it has the strict definition of animals that always eat meat. What I meant was to use unmarked genitive when it makes sense and adjective case (quality relation) otherwise. With the preceding word order, 'a carnivorous bird' would be 'bird carnivor', leading to the confusion with 'the carnivor's bird'. So here we should use the adjective case. Except if carnivor is only a quality and a carnovorous animal in general can't be refered to as 'a carnivor'. <<< making "carnivorous" a noun or a verb is completely beside my point. what i meant is that saying "an animal is carnivorous" is not the same as saying "an animal eats meat." in the first case, the behaviour of "eating meat" is unaspective ("outside time"): "eating meat" is an attribute. while in the second it is aspective ("inside time"): you eat meat sometime, now, always, etc.. yet both the verb and the adjective are behaviours (and in this case they are predicative). some langs lexify given behaviours as "inside time" while others lexify them as "outside time". however, this is not quite obvious on this list either, so that i read threads like "adjectives are state verbs" vs. "no, they're nouns", etc.: of course "nouns" (in french: "substantifs") are typically "outside time" (in french: "posés hors aspect") while "verbs" are "inside time" (in french: "posés en aspect"). we'd say that whether adjectives are "noun-" or "verb-"rooted is a matter of mood. for instance, latin "bonus" is "outside time" and means "the good one" as well (hence your "carnivorous" as a noun vs. an adjective). when put "inside time" as a predicate (or commonly said: as a "verb"), the adjective is said to take or imply a "copula" like "to be" in "to be good". OBCONLANG: some conlangers make conlangs based on nouns only (allnoun) and some others based on verbs only (allverb). maybe this radical choice shows the conlanger's psychology: allnoun makes everything outside time and shows a desire to escape the real world's decay--while allverb makes everything inside time and shows a desire to master the real world's blooming. may this line set fire to the whole list! mwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Mathias


ebera <ebera@...>
Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>genitive (was: isolation vs inflection & other features)