>Subject: Re: the Most Consonants in a row?
>Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 12:57:44 -0500
>On 9/14/05, Rodlox R <rodlox@...> wrote:
> > What's the most consonants that can neighbor one another?
>Is there even a rule?
I don't know; sorry.
>If so, I'd be really interested to hear it.
as would I.
>seems to me (non-linguist) that there's nothing preventing an absurd
>number of consonants occuring in a row. Mithun's _The Languages of
>Native North America_ has an example of a Bella Coola word with eleven
>consonants and no vowels.
>What would prevent twelve? Or fifteen?
*shrugs* no idea....hence I ask.
>(I would copy the transcription but I don't know how to convert some
>parts into X-SAMPA. If you're interested, maybe someone else can do it
>for you;
I'm interested, though it doesn't need to be in X-Sampa. plain keyboard
letters are fine too (actually, preferred)
>Kate Sherwood