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Re: Ritual languages/ Magical languages

From:Irina Rempt-Drijfhout <ira@...>
Date:Monday, June 14, 1999, 19:30
On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, Boudewijn Rempt wrote:

> Old Hyksos, the Earthsea inspired (but quite original in > many respects) magical language used in the Dutch roleplaying > game Queeste - in that game people wishing to play the role > of a mage must be fluent in that language, it's not a kind > of make-belief, but an absolute requirement.
Or your spells don't work. A spell needs to be grammatically correct and appropriate for the situation to even have a chance of working. I've played two different mages in subsequent stages of the campaign, and they turned out to have a completely different style - almost the first spell Lavinia, the second mage thought of, after the standard beginner's spells (like _Jappa wodanex ne jappa_ "I heal the other" and _Jappa arrex jappa_ "I turn myself into air" (to become invisible) was one the first mage, Jana, hadn't *ever* used though she was as least five levels higher when she died as Lavinia was when she cast the spell. Obviously, it's a real (though limited, and very specific) conlang, not just a code: the user's personality plays an important part. Irina Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastinay. (myself) (English) (Nederlands)