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Re: OSV Italian Particles

From:DOUGLAS KOLLER <laokou@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 25, 2000, 5:36
From: "Matt Pearson"

> I wouldn't say that there are "lots of languages" which are N-Adj and OV. > Basque is the only one I can think of.
Ah, but then you've forgotten Géarthnuns. :)
> Of course, when it comes to noun modification, there's the added > complication that in some languages (most) adjectives are basically > verb-like, and adjectival modification shares properties with > (reduced) relative clauses, while in other languages (most) adjectives > are basically noun-like, and adjectival modification shares properties > with compounding. I wonder if the distribution of Adj-N vs. N-Adj > order would be more consistent if that fact were taken into account...
This is a highly inconsistent feature of Géarthnuns. Adjectives are basically noun-like and follow the nouns they modify (and agree in declension, number, and case), but noun-compounding is done similar to the Germanic languages. sü marangíks nevalek a building gray but sü gefrölímarangíks a book-building = a library (gefröls - book) Only double compounds are permitted, however, so German-style quintuple compounds do not occur. Géarthnuns, like English on occasion, breaks it up with a genitive (which follows the noun) or some such. Kou