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Re: Ng'and'ana

From:jogloran <exponent@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 23, 2002, 6:37
I'll give it a try, but I might be wrong/outdated with some of these

With /f/>/p/ and /v/>/b/ I know what's happening (fricative>stop) but
I don't know what the proper term is...
/k/>/x/ (which is Q in your orthography) is
spirantisation/"fricativisation", I think.
/d/>/t/ is devoicing.
/g/>/N/ (which is NG in your orthography) is nasalisation.
/s/>/z/ is voicing.

/m/>/n/ is a little strange if it happens normally in your "guttural"
process, but /mt/>/nt/ for example would be assimilation...

Someone correct meeeee! :)


<< I don't have time right now (almost
bed time!) to explain phonetic jargon, but I will tomorrow night if
else does by then.

> V > B > K > Q Spirantisation/"Fricativisation?" > D > T Devoicing > F > P > G > NG Nasalisation > H (Must be used at the end of a word that would have a vowel end.) > L > M > N > R > RH > S > Z (Sometimes pronounced J)