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Travellers Phrasebook Sections 7-8 in Franj

From:Geoff Horswood <geoffhorswood@...>
Date:Friday, May 27, 2005, 5:38

Mostly fairly straightforward- each letter has its CXS value except for:

ai,ei   /aj/,/ej/
c       /ts/
e       short /@/ when word-terminal, otherwise /E/
h       silent except between vowels
ll      /L/ except between 2 vowels, when it is /j/
t       /t_d/ when word-terminal, otherwise /t/
w       /gw/
y       /j/

The vowels in the definite articles li and la are always written, but are
not pronounced if their corresponding noun starts with a vowel.

Diphthongs other than ai and ei have both letters pronounced.


Section 7: Directions
How do I get to __?  Kemen bara-jù a __?
 the tourist office  la bùr tùristeix
 the __ embassy   la ambas __
 the cathedral   li kàtedrell
 the church   la eklesù
 the mosque   li mexit
 the synagogue   la sunagoga
 the bazaar   la bazar
 a bank    ùn banq
 a post office   ùn poste
 a currency exchange  ùn xanjhana
 a telephone exchange  ùn bùr telefùneix
 a public telephone  un telefùn
 an internet café  ùn internethana
 a restaurant   ùn restùrent
 a tea house   ùn xaihana
 a coffee house   un kàfei
 the main square   la plas bex
 the beach   la plaj
 the bridge   li pont
 the castle   li xestù
 the island   li aral
 the lake   la kùl
 the (old) town   la vill (hisek)
 the city   la qala
 the palace   la carja
 the river   li ùzàn
 the sea    li tàniz
 the tower   la munar
Is it far?   Estit-il/ell(m/f) àlit?
 miles    melles
 kilometres   kilùmetres
 leagues    leiges
 half    jarat
Go straight ahead.  Barauz-vùs a tikù.
Turn left.   Tornauz-vùs a cul.
Turn right.   Tornauz-vùs a wan.
I'm lost.   Jù esti jùellent.
Where are we?   Estens-nùs ùt?
Can you show me on the map? Puvauz-vùs mei kùrxtùr en cet xart?
        north    nord
 south    sud
 east    ost
 west    west
 here    munda
 there    anda
 avenue    li àvenù
 street    la xemen
 road    la ru
 lane    li lein

Section 8: Transportation
Part a: Public Transportation
What time does __ leave? A qell sahat kàtit __?
What time does __ arrive? A qell sahat àrkàlit __?
 the bus    li autobus
 the coach (long-distance bus) la qox
 the (metro) train  la laqmat (sùstereix)
 the tram   li tràmein
 the ship   la nev
 the boat   la kàmà
        the ferry   la estàjir
 the plane   li àereplein
 the airship   li derijent
airport    la àeredrùme
bus station   li eyàk-autobus
bus stop   li àret-autobus
railway station   li ger
tram station   li eyàk-tràmein
tram stop   li àret-tràmein
metro station   li sùsterein
docks    li qaj
ferry stage   la estàj
Where can I buy a ticket? Ùt ala-jù saudrur un billet?
ticket office   li billetir
I'd like a ticket to __. Jù qulama un billet a --__.
What's the fare to __?  Kanxa estit-il a __.
 single/one-way   jùrùr simpleix
 return/round-trip  jùrùr qahat
 1st class   klàs premeix
 2nd class   klàs deseix
 3rd class   klàs treix
taxi    tàksi

Part b: Private Transportation
I'd like to hire __.  Jù qulama liwùr __.
 a car    un xar
 a motorbike   un velù-moto
 a 4WD    un xar hàmjàriq
  a truck    ùn truq
 a bicycle   un velù
Is this the road to __?  Estit-cet la ru a __?
Where is __?   Ùt estit __?
 a petrol station  un aisanchana
 a waystation   ùn yolauxe
Please fill it up.  Tolauxu-vùs lù/là (m/f).
I'd like x litres/gallons Jù qulama x litràs/galons
 diesel    la dizell
 petrol    la aisanc
 unleaded   la (aisanc) desplùmbet
(How long) can I park here? (Kanxa wat) puva-jù munda àretùr?
Where do I pay?   Ùt ala-jù bùrsùr?
I need a mechanic.  Jù kireqi un màxinir.
The car has broken down. Li xar estit sàndrent.
The motorbike won't start. Li velù-moto nen abasat.
I have a flat tyre.  Jù àvi un pnù sànàq.
I've run out of petrol.  Jù esti morant da aisanc.
I've had an accident.  Jù i àvei un espùt.

Part c: Road & other signs
Entrance   Kirent
No Entry   Yaq di Kirent
Exit    Sorsant
No Exit    Yaq di Sorsant
Stop    Abat
Give Way/Yield   Xidez li Yol
Slow    Jei
One Way    Yol Bireix
Keep to the Left/Right  Tikez a Cul/Wan
No Passing   Yaq di Pasant
Motorway Exit   Sorsant di Autoyol
Parking    Àretent
No Parking   Yaq di Àretent
Toll    Pai
Danger    Aboi
Information   Nàmises
Prohibited   Yàgent
Open           Exiq
Closed    Japaq
Police Station   Estanc di Pùlicei
Toilets    Qajhanas
 Ladies    Fems
 Gentlemen   Homs