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Re: Jewish names

From:BP Jonsson <bpj@...>
Date:Thursday, August 3, 2000, 8:29
At 19:47 02.8.2000 -0400, Steg Belsky wrote:

>Hmm.....then Professor Rendsburg would seem to be in the qualitative >school, although what he maintains in his article is that there were >actually only the basic 6 semitic vowels in Biblical Hebrew, and that the >whole variety of actual vowels were allophonic varients of them.
That seems to agree well with the purpose: preserving a correct liturgic pronunciation. Cf. the Avestan alphabet, which shows vast allophonic overkill: it even has special letters for the slightly palatalized or velarized allophones of some sounds occurring before semivowels (e.g. [x x^j x^w]). Needless to say extant MSS use those triplets indiscriminately, or nearly so. If the manvthras aren't said correctly the Daevas will take the sacrifice. Nevertheless modern Parsi declamation seems to be far off the mark, since several letters have merged in pronunciation (notably {o: a: a:@]. Mihrasp /BP 8^)> -- B.Philip Jonsson (delete X) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Truth, Sir, is a cow which will give [skeptics] no more milk, and so they are gone to milk the bull." -- Sam. Johnson (no rel. ;)