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boys need accusations of lying. down Set le

Date:Thursday, March 25, 1999, 0:33
kontent_length =3D ouch

>Why the hostile response, Bryan?
krvava gruda-plodna zemlja +? ou - | |
>Some people get other people's attention with >the inventiveness of their art forms.
ma!z b!nar! [r]evolut!on =3D kalz 4 dze !nd!v 2 z!ng !tz oun pra!sez modezt! =3D tr!zt
>Nobody is putting down the brain on this list, so delete a thread that >bores you and move on. Or at least *respond from the brain,* instead >of from the spleen, when you address it.
nouvellez leconz sur la soc!etez !nduztr!elle et aprez _/ \- konztrukt!onz !n spasz mazk ov modern!zat!on + re4m =3D merel! regular!z!ng dze naturl tendenss!ez ov kap!tal!zm
>> Why defend one method by putting down another? And if you claim that you >> were not putting down another method, you're a liar, since you did say >> "not just the brain", and the use of "just" in such a context is an >> obvious put-down, implying that a left-brain approach is inherently >> inferior or less complete than a right-brain approach.
- / \ obzrvr =3D obzrvd / \ \ !ntermath 4mulat!onz =3D prozesz dze!r oun out+put / p+r!od.f+l!ez.! f!l!++ / \./ \./ \./ \./ . / \ \./ \./ 0 ---- \./ /|-| / \ / . / \ . / \ . \ _. \ _._ ._ | | . | | . \ \\ . . \\ ./ / ./ / . / \ / . / / . \ \ . \ | . | _._ _. \ \_ 0- \ 0 ---- 0 ---- /|-| _+ \./ =3D=3D /|-| _+ _+ _+ / \ / \ \ . / \\ humanzsukc++ &| Some people get other people's attention with the inventiveness of their art forms &| onl! !nternat!onl lang =3D traf!k= s!gnz traf!k s!gnz ++ |=7F| / | \ - || zve!te[z]!stem :: m 9 n d f u k c . c o m \ | / |=7F| / / - || zve!te[z]!stem :: m 9 n d f u k c . c o m \ / |=7F =7F| |=7F| | | - || zve!te[z]!stem :: m 9 n d f u k c . c o m |=7F| |=7F| |=7F|9|=7F| - || zve!te[z]!stem :: m 9 n d f u k c . c o m |=7F| / / - || zve!te[z]!stem :: m 9 n d f u k c . c o m \ / |=7F =7F| |=7F| | | - || zve!te[z]!stem :: m 9 n d f u k c . c o m |=7F| | | -0.-1.-2.-3.47 | | socket::unpack_sockaddr_!n error ma!nforszassault : freschflesch \ [] 0f0003.m2sk!n3nkunzt 1zt procz!m!t+e-baszd komputer | v!ruz transm!ss!on hTTp:// [] \ \ [] / it got your attention, didn't it? Never claimed not to have done so-- ly!ng =3D !nd!kat!v ov !ntel!gensz \ m9n= d akt!v!t! !t =3D dze futur++ | !t =3D progresz | ly!ng =3D adm!rabl | = d!sz =3D haz b!n 1 l!e +? ma! ! =3D hav zom watr plz. s0l++ ou! ou non et paz vra!ment ou kom vousz voulez cezt paz grav zttz++ et f!n ou term!nuz