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New lang idea

From:Aidan Grey <urso@...>
Date:Thursday, April 6, 2000, 19:05
So, I've had this idea for a second lang (whihc I said I wouldn't do until Aelya was
reasonably finished, but oh well) along the lines of those mage languages in all the
books. Diane Duane's "So you want to be a Wizard" and the Earthsea triligoy and so on.

    Problem for me has always been coming up with words though. If I have something to
work from, I'm okay. But off the top of my head, forget it (I'm no good at answering
the question "What does the word for cheese sound like?"). So, I thought I'd adopt a
method I used to use way back when.

Basically, it worked like this. Phonemes are given a two piece code. the code is then
swapped along, and compared to a chart. For example: cat

c=a1                        C  A  T
a=b2                        c   a   b   <--- notice how they slide over one space
t=c3                         2   3  1    <----- and slip again, the codes written

    So then, you find out what the c2 equivalent for c is in the chart, and so on.
Some of the equivalents are nulls.

    The reason I bring it up is that others might be able to use this idea like I plan
to, which is to generate roots for Proto-Magish (for lack of a better name at the
moment) from English (or Swedish, or Spanish, or French, etc) words. With some tim and
creativity, and building the conversion chart with help from another lang, it's easy
to generate a lang that SOUNDS sort of like another this way too. I used a list of
Aztec gods once to create a pseudo-Aztecan this way. Say the word for cat in your
chosen lang is sdhjk (/zDik/?). I'd say that c2 of c would be /zD/, a3 of a is /i/,
and b1 of t is /k/. keep continuing, adding codes for phonemes as you go so as to
avoid clashes, there you go! Kind of neat, yes?

    So, Proto-magish will begin with a conversion chart, and then I can develop a
whole family of langs from it! Neato!
