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Re: Thought and Language

From:Joshua Shinavier <jshinavi@...>
Date:Friday, December 18, 1998, 11:26
> > Daniel Baisden wrote: > > > French is an artistic sounding language > > > > That's a rather subjective judgement. To me, French doesn't sound at > > all "artistic", it sounds like a horrible mess of unpleasant sounds. > > <personal opinion> > No kidding! All those nasal vowels really get on my nerves sometimes. > Also, the whole idea that German is ugly because it's gutteral and French > is beautiful because it isn't -- that's just farcical. What do call French
> huh? Sheesh! > </personal opinion>
I like the sound of French, though it's too weird relative to my more or less Germanic phonetics for me to get any use out of it :-) It is, at the very least, a much prettier language than English, IMO. It's more "consistent" as well; it has a good deal more personality than English does -- *too much* freedom in the phonology and a language loses its character. Right now I'm working on a project I have dubbed "Operation NEL" (Non-ambiguating External Lenition; indicating grammatical alterations to semantic words without ambiguating them, e.g. by turning them into something else which might be a semantic word in its own right) and a number of other revisions to Aroven's phonology, many of them restrictive rules, which I'm very pleased with -- by channeling words into certain (especially aesthetic) patterns the general sound of a language may be greatly enhanced. Hm, this started off as a post about French... oh well JJS :)