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Re: A script puzzle

From:Alex Fink <000024@...>
Date:Thursday, December 4, 2008, 22:32
On Thu, 4 Dec 2008 21:19:12 -0000, Peter Collier
<petecollier@...> wrote:

>Maybe Urdu, or Persian then?
It's good, but it's not right... On Thu, 4 Dec 2008 22:42:56 +0100, Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg_rhiemeier@...> wrote:
>Could be Thaana, a script formerly used for Divehi (Maldivian): > >
Bingo, it's Thaana. Omniglot says | Some of the Taana letters were derived from Dhives akuru, while others were modelled | on Arabic numerals. but AFAICT actually there's no connection between Dhives akuru and Thaana, and Wikipedia is closer to the truth: | The origins of T&#257;na are unique among the world's alphabets: The first nine letters (h–v) | are derived from the Arabic numerals, whereas the next nine (m–d) were the local Indic | numerals. (See Hindu-Arabic numerals.) The remaining letters for loanwords (z–ch) and | Arabic transliteration are derived from phonetically similar native consonants by means | of diacritics, with the exception of y, which is of unknown origin. This means that Thaana | is one of the few alphabets not derived graphically from the original Semitic alphabet — | unless the Indic numerals were (see Brahmi numerals). Any takers on the decryption? Shouldn't be hard now. Alex