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Re: (La)TeX for a conlanger? Advice sought.

From:Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 16, 2005, 3:22
Emaelivpeith Henrik Theiling:
> I'm a bit puzzled about your answer (i) here: I admit to be a bit > behind cutting edge Linux and LaTeX technology as my normal system is > some four years old, but is it the case that LaTeX can use Truetype > and/or Unicode fonts these days and that it reads the input in > e.g. UTF-8?
T'ves emaelivpeith
> Owing to the popularity of [La]TeX, I'm sure there are tools convert > truetypes to the TeX format.
I know I've used them before, but I can't find the FAQ I used as instructions back when I last did it. I know it is possible, though. As for Unicode, I misread And's original (ii) as requesting Unicode *characters*, no *fonts*. Like veritosproject, I suspect there must be a way to use Unicode fontns, but I haven't done it myself. What I was thinking of was that any Unicode characters you might want to write, LaTeX can do. Sorry for the confusion! -- AA (Gmail WARNING: watch the Reply-To!)