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Re: CHAT: "the future," sci-fi, Quecha (Le Guin)

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Saturday, June 29, 2002, 23:52
In a message dated 06/29/2002 08.11.27 AM, cathode_ray00@HOTMAIL.COM writes:

>The Akan of Ghana also have a sense of time which is somewhat backward >to our own.<SNiP of pretty well-written snippet>
Thanx for adding to this thread, Andy. OBCONLANG: I wonder if it is possible - in the NatLang sense - to lexify/semanticify concepts of a spiral or helical metaphor of time linked to certain kinds of space (IIRC Navaho comes close to this, right?). And how about lexifying/semanticifying concepts of Chaos Science, or less "ambitious," just merely ideas of cosmic chance and randomness in relation to time/space (I guess it would _spring_ from a conculture that has a "Quietist" _Weltanschauung_ or - another words - a passive, observant attitude towards life/existence and an abandonment of or non-existence of individualism, "the [individual] will[power]". Or a rather Nihilistic one saturated by a giddy, sardonic sort of angst and fatalism - a la "Sh*t Happens... Go with the Flow" ... La merde majestueuse ;). Are there any natlangs that are even remotely like this? Hanuman Zhang ---------------------______________ "Excess is excrement. Excrement retained in the body is poison." - Ursula K. Le Guin "O wise humanity, terribly wise humanity! Of thee I sing. How inscrutable is the civilization where men toil and work and worry their hair gray to get a living and forget to play!" - Lin Yutang, _The Importance of Living_ "The phrase 'the cost of living' is a not-so-subtle threat that life itself can be For Sale to the highest bidder ... that living without dreams is 'realistic' and that dying in the gutter may be 'cheap'." - Yuri Mayakovskii