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Re: TECH: URLs, part deux

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Sunday, September 30, 2007, 18:00
The problem is that angle brackets insulate the url from other
characters that are much more likely to be interpreted as part of the
URL, such as a period when the URL ends a sentence or a comma when
it's part of an inline list.  IME " <>. "  Is more
likely to be interpreted correctly than " ".
    Perhaps as a compromise we could put spaces before the >'s?  Or
would that yield trailing spaces (in the form of %20's) in the URL?
  And I don't suppose we have a path through which to request that the
listserv software be fixed (or upgraded to an already-fixed version,

On 9/30/07, John Vertical <johnvertical@...> wrote:
> >You might not be familiar with dict, so here's clients for > >windows: <>, > ><> and MacOS: > ><>. > > What's with all the angle brackets lately? Yes, this was discussed a few > weeks ago, but in the context of long URLs that don't fit on a single line. > I still wouldn't mind - except for, to repeat myself, that the closing > greater-than gets parsed as a part of the URL at least on the Listserv web > interface, possibly also with some mailers? So when you are using the > brackets with short URLs, you're not avoiding breiking the URL by carriage > returns, but you ARE adding a bogus caracter to the URL that at least some > of us need to remoov by hand. I also skimmed thru the original discussion > and didn't notice anyone saying that links DON'T work for them without the > brackets. Unless someone is going to stand up as such, can y'all consider > stopping bracketing URLs that fit on a single line? Pretty please? > > John Vertical >
-- Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>