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Re: OT: Germanic Food (was: Expressing "that's how")

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Friday, March 25, 2005, 13:05
--- In, "B. Garcia" <madyaas@g...> wrote:

>French toast in the US at least is made with beaten eggs, milk (to >thin out the eggs), sugar, and some people like to add cinnamon or >flavoring to the batter. Stale bread is usually used (a good quality >brioche is nice.. or any type of bread that tends toward the sweet >side and has a fine but firm structure). However, a lot of people who >aren't into food will just use any plain white bread they have laying >around, even commercial stuff. It's eaten a lot like pancakes are -- >doused with syrup.
When I was a child I was introduced to a variation on this theme by my great-aunt on Long Island. She made cheese sandwiches as if making grilled cheese sandwiches, then soaked them in the egg/milk mixture and fried them like French toast. Then came the syrup. Man, were those good! I like to add bacon strips in mine nowadays. It is very important to soak the bread thoroughly. Otherwise one gets a piece of French toast with a hard core of bread instead of the bread being "custardy" all with way through. I find this to be a major fault of breakfast buffets. In Senyecan: méélßon = milk ß = dz) sérdïon = cheese ï indicates palatalization óóyon = egg meelßóóyon = custard In Seyecan there are two words for egg. In the animate -en category, óóyen means a fertilized egg for hatching. In the inanimate -on category, óóyon means an unfertilized egg for eating. Of course, an óóyen can be eaten, but as soon as it is cracked, it becomes an óóyon. I still haven't figured out how to say "sandwich." The borrowed word, sàndëµíçon, would be pronounced /san%d@m_0i"ts)on/ but I don't like that. I'd like a more native name. Charlie


Jeffrey Henning <jeffrey@...>Brown University