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Re: "Wife"

From:daniel andreasson <danielandreasson@...>
Date:Thursday, May 29, 2003, 20:35
Tristan McLeay wrote:

> You will forgive me for taking offence at your comment, but the only > senses of 'dam' (as a noun) I was familiar with till I read John Cowan's > post, ignoring the homophone 'damn', are an artifical lake generally in > a farm, an artificial lake caused by damming a river/creek, and the dam > wall used to make the second sense of dam. I do not enjoy being told > what I do and don't know.
Okay. Sorry about that then. You seem like a guy who always knows everything, so I was surprised that you had suddenly turned into a besserwisser (a.k.a. Mr. Smartypants, a.k.a. Mr. Know-it-all), pointing out the obvious. So, sorry. Daniel Andreasson


Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>