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Re: Conlang book?

From:Mangiat <mangiat@...>
Date:Sunday, January 28, 2001, 20:00
> I've started compiling information for the book. It would be helpful if > people could send information on their languages to me so I can
> it directly into the book instead of putting it together myself (it would > also help to make errors less likely). The areas I need information on for > each language are: > > 1. a general description of the language and background information
Vaiysi is ergative and has not very strict SVO order (should be called head fronting: we usually have abs-verb in intransitive and erg.-verb-abs. in transitive phrases). Adjectives are basically nouns. The copula is fixed immidiately after nouns and adjectives. Vaiysi is spoken by a trader's community on the shores of the Merie Sea, a peninsula in South-Eastern Carmia (that is a subcontinent in my constructed world).
> 2. basic summary of the phonology
Consonants: labial dental velar glottal plosives p t k q /?/ b d g fricatives f s h v z affricate ch /tS/ nasals m n lateral l approximant r Vowels: short long high i u iy ou mid e o ye low a ya A cool and characteristic thing is the vowel shortening phenomenon: two long vowels can't stand in two adjacent syllables, and the latter displaces the former. Exemple: the root yeg- means 'to go' yegave yeg - ave go 1 I/we go egyeve eg - yeve go past+1 I/we went
> 3. overview of the writing system
Visit my page and take a look: Tell me what you think.
> 4. description of the morphology
The language is agglutinating with some inflectional features. Nouns do inflect for two numbers, singular and plural, and six cases: absolutive (-0; pl. -eiy), ergative (-l; pl. -el), dative (-am; pl. -mis), genitive (-ni; pl. -eiyni), locative (various endings: -yau, -yeu, -iyo and -you; pl: -eiyau) and allative (sing:-d; plur:-ste). Verbs do inflect for five tenses: present (-a), past (-ye, -iyi), future (-ouni), anterior (-era) and posterior (-iye); and five persons: first (-v(e)), second singular/formal (-r), second plural/informal (-rs(e)), third (-0) and third plural (-z(e)).
> 5. description of the syntax
The language is ergative, head fronting. There is no infinitive, which is replaced by _vye_ construction when it has a verbal meaning (_vye_ roughly means _that_. In Vaiysi you can't say 'I want to go': you have to say 'I want that I go') and by verbal nouns in -oma when it has a nominal function (as in English '_reading_ a lot helps'). Verbs do agree with absolutive.
> 6. other grammatical information which does not fit into the other
> (e.g., proto-languages)
Vaiysi is a Hyarian language, Northern family, Peninsular branch, Central group.
> 7. a sample of text in the language, with interlinearization
Something classic, short and neat: Tel tarmenyau lendouvi qevie... horkyau lendi! Tel tarmenyau lendouvi qevie... you.ERG fight.EX.3s liguistic death.ABS horkyau lendi! invent.3s language.ABS
> 8. possibly a short lexicon
Directly from _First Steps in Vaiysi_ wordlist (about 160 words): English Vaiysi advance chyado baby vyeda be -yeo beautiful hyeni begin sanno believe diyreo big vyedi bite melko break valkeo breast pourie breeze eriynni bring boiyno burn fozo call manto can hozeo cloud bourma create diygo cry nouvo dark terbi daughter byae die menno divide chareo divide eirtareo do teo dog morie dream maurto drink doumo drink meno eat gezo eight foun exit fummo eye huie face nise father yaba feel kano find poudeo finger yese fish touve fish tuveo fish untireo fisherman tuvyana five tyera (tyeraz, tyeraze, tyesse) flower liysa follow byanto foot togo four mie (mige) garden gambie give porto go yego good lyaski grow tyaro gush yezo hair miyve hand kyemma harvest mopai have houvo head ema help festo hide luzeo hip orbyachu hope hoiro hour reina house talu hull syeda hundred nim hunt vyano jump riko kill vyankeo know loumeo know numo lady lyarie laugh tiycho leave chanto leg tiyra let byeso lie myento life yeve little miylini live evyento love loudo man sama (samu) mare douru melt lyevo mix pyeno mother yemmu mouth livi mouth ouze move pyero must dounno name viqrouvi neck orbie need kiyvo nine syad (syade) nomination viqre north kouri nose seve obey tembio old omma one on part charie pass gadyego penis eyana penis soka play riyno play vevo praise veleo prepare hodo push kelto receive iynteo recover vinneo run fiyro sail iyveo sail kiyso sail rumie say feizo sea oiye sell ineo sell ouso send loro set tyaro seven syem shine auleo ship eiyva short chaiy shoulder dyanne shout raugo show tevo sing lireo six dol sky sile son kyena south hyari star nazi strike pelto sun miyre sunset vaso swim poullo take chyeno take tireo ten chyen (chyenne) thousand liyga three pen (penne) throw bougeo throw myaro tongue vilie town rina trunk moure two koun (koune) vagina gyanne village waist lege wake toumo want mailo well lyaskisu wind fouze woman hiru work desko work destei young chouga
> Thanks for your help.
That's nothing. If you want something more, take a look at the complete and completely revised grammar I'm going to send on the list, a little bit every day. Luca