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Re: CHAT: More enter-bringings

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, March 3, 2000, 2:41 writes:
>I am beginning to think this is nearly universal, at least in the US >and (apparently?) Canada. I started listening for it both in >conversations and on TV/Radio, its pronounced like 'are' most of the >time.
For me it depends on how fast I am talking. I'f i'm going slower than my normal pace, or trying to speak slower, I ten to say it like "hour". If' i'm going my normal pace or faster, it often sounds like "are".
> My dialect is NE Indiana, now transplanted to Bozeman MT, a >little bit of Canada like life in the US BTW. >--
My dialect is central coastal Californian, which tends to be a bit neutral as far as American accents go. I love teasing Southern Californians about their accent (well many have it, some dont). ________________________________________________ It's worth the risk of burning, to have a second chance...