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Re: Powers that be were Re: Newbie says hi

From:Jeff Jones <jeffsjones@...>
Date:Sunday, November 3, 2002, 9:46
On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 20:26:27 -0500, John Cowan <jcowan@...>

>Jeff Jones scripsit: > >> Really? I always thought that the "raised" form was older: [i:] > [@i] > >> [ai]. > >Yes, you are probably right and I'm shooting from the hip. I've always >assumed that "Canadian" (Scots, Pennsylvania) ai-raising was an innovation, >but maybe it's a survival.
That's an interesting question. A couple of points first: 1) Canadian raising is conditional (only before voiceless consonants), 2) Canadian English is otherwise typically Northamerican. It's because of these, I think, that Canadian raising has been considered an innovation. But the idea of influence/intrusion by conservative Scots, or alternatively the not quite complete Americanization of Scots, is intriguing. In the latter case, would there be a conditioned _lowering_, or an inhibition of raising? Jeff
>-- >A mosquito cried out in his pain, John Cowan >"A chemist has poisoned my brain!" > The cause of his sorrow > Was para-dichloro- >Diphenyltrichloroethane. (aka DDT)