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Re: Seinundjei Script (is actually about allophony now)

From:Shreyas Sampat <ssampat@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 1, 2006, 19:56
John Vertical wrote:--

> 1) So they show the underlying form (which may be changed by harmony)?
> 2) I.e. the vowel markers always agree with the phonetic realization?
> 3) /T D/ _don't_ harmonize? That clears it up a little. Listing those > together with the "main" fricatives and /s z/ separately suggested to > me that those might be alveolar, not dental spirants.
Yeah - this is an organisational device for me, I wanted them to be listed next to /ts/ /dz/.
> 4) There's no plosive/affricate distinction with the palatals, it seems?
> 5) Harmony spreads over the whole utterance??
Shocking, isn't it(:
> PS. I might be just me, but with regards to the romanization, I find > the practice of using <j> for both a palatal plosive and a > palatalization marker a little ugly. And do your really have /h G/ > without an /x/, or is /x/ <h> and not <kh> for some reason?
It's a bit of a kludge because I can't use the combining diacritic COMMA BELOW with any kind of typing comfort. This also means that I have a 'lazy mode' affricate spelling |jz| (hideous) because |zj| is occupied and |jj| is geminate |j|. I can't even remember what horrors the geminated africate spellings are. They are not pretty. Historically, /h/ was /x/ at one point and got softened (this is written as |h|), or was deleted except in a single context, and is not spelled there. This form appeals in sequences of like vowel, such as |kááladh| /ka:halaD/ (long vowels are not permitted in unstressed position). -- Shreyas is too lazy to post a real sig