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Re: Phonological equivalent of "The quick brown fox..."

From:Kinetic <kinetic_wab@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 7, 2007, 20:43
>> >>"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" is used to test >> >>typewriters because it contains all the letters of English.
> ObConlang: What about y'all's conlangs? :-)
Ooh, I was playing with pangrams just the other week. I was rather pleased with this: zymekinalesu axtuvoo "If you had thought about it, it wouldn't be happening" (more literally, "with your having thought about, wouldn't happen") I guess it's easier in langs with a small phoneme inventory, though! The consonants all appear only once; four of the six vowels repeat once each. And it's all pre-existing stuff - nothing was invented to fit the purpose. :-) (Explanation follows, but I've never had official definitions or names for some of this stuff, so consider the following terminology to be unofficial!) zy-mekin-al-es-u axt-uv-oo 2PP-think_about-P-VN-COM happen-NEG-CND 2PP: 2nd person possessive P: past tense COM: comitative (with) NEG: negative CND: conditional VN: verbal noun (of something that may or may not be the case) K.