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Re: Languages without verbs

From:ROGER MILLS <rfmilly@...>
Date:Thursday, November 13, 2008, 22:51
Mark Reed wrote:

>be, do, go, have . . .
Maybe: be do go, there is - and one could easily eliminate equative/class membership "be" with simple collocation: He man "He is a man", John doctor "John is a doctor", He fool 'he is a fool' One could eliminate "have" by conflating it with 'there is' + a case form (dative, possessive); or devising "there-is possession [of X] [by Y] . In the verbless lang. I devised a very long (and unsophisticated) time ago, there was only one verbal form: "there is...", but lots of verbal nouns, like running, loving, falling etc. I felt even then that it was sort of a cop-out. "There was running by me = I ran" "There is money to me ~ there is my money (cf. Indonesian 'ada uang/ku') = I have money" "There is loving (of, w.r.t.) Mary by John = John loves Mary" and so on. The idea was quickly abandoned :-(