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Re: CHAT: Intonation surrogates in online text

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Thursday, July 8, 1999, 19:31
On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Raymond A. Brown wrote:

> At 2:21 pm +0200 7/7/99, Lars Henrik Mathiesen wrote: > > > >If Kibo hath given thee smileys, it must be because he didn't want > >them himself. But he is still giving us EXCESSIVE CAPITALIZATION and > >lots of exclamation marks!!!! Let's take those instead, so Kibo can go > >back to not using smileys. > > Ach - I'd rather have smileys :) > > After not using the darn things, I've now taken to sprinkling the odd > smiley or two around since I found that some remarks which I thought no one > could possibly take as anything but a joke got taken seriously. The > smileys do help in this respect. But I've discovered the 'winky smileys' > can get quite the opposite reaction to what's intended - it does seem winks > have more culture-specific meanings. >
I seldom use anything but ;-) - I find that if I use a Wodehousian prose style to indicate irony, winking or even just playfulness people think I'm horribly condescending ;-). Anyways, multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a deranged mind! (Cf. Terry Pratchett, the only author I know of with a sense of humour within the same order of magnitude as Wodehouse, but a rather less polished style.) Using ALL CAPS is a strictly no-no ever since the Charlemagne discovered the Carolingian minuscule! Ummm. Is this still about conlangs? Er, does anyone have a distinc ironic register available in their conlang? Charyans are seldom ironic, most often just playful! Boudewijn Rempt |