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English Vs Other Language Translations

From:Arek Bellagio <zadar@...>
Date:Saturday, December 26, 1998, 6:56

I've realized something that has appeared very interesting.=20

I'm reading the back of an envelope here, and it reads as follows:

This Envelope Contains 100% Post-Consumer Recovered Material.

But the French translation (this is a Canadian envelope..):

Cette Enveloppe Contient 100% De Mati=E8res Apr=E8s Usage.

I might be mistaken, but does the French translation of 'Post-Consumer
Recovered Material' go as 'Material After Use'?

Sorry for the weird example, but I believe it brings up an interesting
point. These translations appear to be nothing more than very simple words
used in place of compound complicated words used in English. Why is this so?
Is there an inability in French (or Spanish, Italian, etc) to translate
'Post-Consumer' into similar words? I'm having trouble explaining my
question, but perhaps everyone understands what I mean? I hope I dont offend
anyone who speaks French as their native language, but it's almost as though
there is no French translation for 'Post-Consumer', one simply uses
'Material After Use'.=20

Is there simply nothing provided in Romantic language (or maybe languages
other than English) for compound word usage as the English envelope example?
Or.. do the users of these languages simply dont believe in overcomplicating
matters by using too many complicating words and getting directly to the=

How do your conlangs come into the picture with this? Would you conlang be
able to easily translate the English sentence with almost transliteration,
or would you need to alter it as the French translation has?

In conclusion,
~Arek  -

"The pessimist stomps and curses the wind. The optimist whines, but keeps
saying how everything can be better. The realist adjusts the sails and
doesn't complain."
        - Kyle Voiles

....Zephyr in the sky at night, I wonder: do my tears of mourning sink
beneath the sun?....