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Re: CHAT: Morphology with Kimmo

From:Carlos Thompson <cthompso@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 27, 1998, 22:07
De: Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Fecha: Martes 27 de Octubre de 1998 16:48
>Would this recognize mutations, as in the Celtic langs? >
Which kind of mutations? I guess if they are regular, you can describe a rule to manage them... I don't mean this rule should be easy to implement. I'm working with Spanish verb system and taking recognisibility as goal. I have no problem with regular verbs. I have no problem with some regular irregularities as o/ue - e/ie changes or -ecer, -ezco endings. For completely irregular verbs like _ser_ or _ir_ I have implement them by adding irregularities as part of the lexicon. If that is what you mean by mutation, I guess is no way arround. If you mean regular changes like o/ue, or like voice/devoice you just have to write the rule, and implement your lexicon in some way that help the program to recognize where the change is needed.