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Re: Weakly Vocab

From:Mike Ellis <nihilsum@...>
Date:Thursday, January 15, 2004, 0:53
takatunu <takatunu@...> wrote:

>May I ? ^_^
>Early in the morning.
usa erkie; erkba
>Late in the afternoon.
gool somuiem
>Sooner or later.
dirnima; ihusluz
>A new building.
ac'ar riik
>A recent fad.
c'iemec' ftek
>An old man.
olec otok'
>An old building.
vunec' riik
>The man in the jail can hardly hear the bird in the tree in this season, >which is bad. >The bird can be heard. The bird is audible. >The bird flies above the top of the upper part of my hat.
I saz'inom otok' toya rhitu i bolamom avan unyek limi mu res', nui fina. Avan unyek rebza. Ava unyekar. Ava gom yai s'apota waz z'ööra.
>I get the hint. >Don't take me seriously. >I wish you were here. >Nothing matters but you.
Nec toriom. Yan rasni mu karjyat. Todom c'öc' hanim. Loz egva mukui mühim. M