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Re: Gender determination (wasOT: Re: What? The clean-shaven outnumber the bearded?)

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 20, 2003, 2:23
Stone Gordonssen scripsit:

> I remember from my university classes in psyche and biology, XYYs were > faddishly called _supermales_, and it was asserted that they were given to > unusually high rates of violence. Considering that even now each > individual > alive hasn't been genotyped, one wonders what proof they could offer for > this cause-effect hypothesis.
None whatever. Even Richard Speck turned out to be plain old XY. There are no marked differences between XYY and XY, because in any given cell with more than one X chromosome, one of them is switched off at random. This leads to some interesting patterns, like calico cats (randomly black or reddish hair in each cell, depending on which X is activated) -- there are no male calicos for that reason, since all their cells are alike. -- It was impossible to inveigle John Cowan <jcowan@...> Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Into offering the slightest apology For his Phenomenology. --W. H. Auden, from "People" (1953)