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Re: THEORY nouns and cases (was: Verbs derived from noun cases)

Date:Sunday, April 25, 2004, 17:59
Ray Brown scripsit:

> If, as you say, you cannot talk without cases, and case is a property of > noun phrases, then, surely, it must mean that you cannot talk without > nouns. Therefore, if it is agreed that a language has only one class of > things, that class must be 'noun' as you cannot talk without nouns.
Non sequitur. Lojban has noun phrases (sumti), but no nouns; that is, the head of a noun phrase is always a verb (selbri), with a determiner that means "that which is the (first, second, third ...) argument of this verb". Thus the verb "cribe" means "be a bear", and "lo cribe" is "that which is a bear". Lojban does of course have Case, although it has a more flexible notion of it than linguists who make use of Case generally intend. This is probably a non-naturalistic feature of Lojban, but it may be an anadewism after all. -- John Cowan "You cannot enter here. Go back to the abyss prepared for you! Go back! Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your Master. Go!" --Gandalf