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Re: Country Names -- Local Pronunciations

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Sunday, May 11, 2003, 2:24
On Sat, 10 May 2003 10:28:10 -0700, Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>

>Emaelivpeith Tristan: >>For the record, a while ago, someone---Herman Miller I think, but it may >>well've been someone else; I can't find it on his website---compiled a >>list of the way locals pronounce the names of their country/city etc so >>that people could borrow the local pronunciation. I'm sure that list >>might come in handy to some of you. Whoever did it should start talking! > >I intend to do Asha'illen names for countries by calquing the local >language's name for the region. (Or the predominant language's name, >should there be multiple languages. We reserve the right to pick underdogs >at will.) So, I am _very_ interested in such a list. Herman, speak up if >it's you! :)
Ah, I found where I put it.


Joe <joe@...>
Joe <joe@...>
Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>