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Re: Word orders in comparative constructions

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 16:20
Alex Fink Wrote:> On Tue, 9 Dec 2008 16:48:31 -0500, Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
wrote:> > >I wrote:> > > Prevli and Gwr, alas, are not yet ready for prime
time...... > >Spoke too soon......Info on Prevli is at>> > Section 3.3, hm? Is
there a larger grammar of Prevli in preparation? (Or> that you've already
announced, and I've missed?)> Yes and no. The phonology is up, at
but the morphology and syntax, after a good initial spurt, has stopped after 38 pages :-(((
As you can see from this sample, there are still loose ends, and I tend to get
bogged down in details. Since I've gotten lazy and now use pdf's rather than
html, the files are huge, and my poor little website is running out of space.