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Re: Headfirst Again

From:Patrick Dunn <tb0pwd1@...>
Date:Saturday, May 6, 2000, 0:16
Looking better!  It's much more comprehensible now.  How about some more
texts, for examples?

How does Headfirst handle questions?

I with desire with more and-with pleasure with headfirst.

On Fri, 5 May 2000, Ed Heil wrote:

> Let's try this again. > > The grammar of HeadFirst now goes like this: > > S => HP > > HP => H [ W M [ W M [ W M.....]]] > > W => | with | > | and-with | > | also-with | > > M => [as-[inverse]-HP] HP > > What does this all mean? > > Well, HP is a "head phrase." I say "head phrase" because there's only > one part of speech (a la allnoun) which is kinda nouny. I call it the > "head." > > the "with-phrases" introduce modifiers. When you stack up modifiers > inside of modifiers you can use the alternate with-phrases to keep > track of where you are. "With" means that the following is a modifier > to the previous head, even if that head is itself part of a modifier. > "And-with" means that what follows is a modifier to the same head > which the previous "with" modified. It co-ordinates modifiers (hence > the word "and.") Whereas "also" is used when you're more than one > level of stacking down and you want to break back up to a high level > head, perhaps the main one of the whole sentence. > > Example: man with dog with fleas > man with dog and-with newspaper with headline > man with dog with fleas and-with collar also-with newspaper > > Here it's the man, not the dog, that has the newspaper. > > "also-with" is not a perfect means for avoiding ambiguity, > but it will hopefully do for now. > > The M-phrases, the modifiers, begin with an optional "as-" phrase. > The HP immediately after the "as-" names the relationship which > the following HP has with the head of the phrase. > > For example: man with as-pet dog. > > The man has a dog as a pet. > > As-inverse, on the other hand, indicates that the HP immediately > after as-inverse names the relationship which the head of the phrase > has with the immediately following HP: > > For example: dog with as-inverse-pet man. > > Or: man with as-inverse-owner dog. > > As-phrases are optional when the relationship is assumed to be clear > from context. > > OK, let's try some texts.... > > "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." > > beginning with as-inverse-time creation with as-agent God > with as-patient heavens and-with as-patient earth. > > beginning with creation with God and-with heavens and-with earth. > > "And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness moved over > the face of the deep." > > earth with as-form nothing and-with as-characteristic voidness > darkness with as-inverse-agent motion with as-location over with > as-landmark something with as-inverse-face deep. > > Or, better: > > earth with as-form nothing and-with voidness > darkness with motion with over with face with deep. >
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