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Usin` Artspelld E'nglis' I^de^as fo,r H-leweyis'

From:Carlos Eugenio Thompson (EDC) <edccet@...>
Date:Thursday, May 18, 2000, 20:31
(Well, even if it's funny to write in my Artspelled English, I will come
back to traditional ME spelling... it's quickly for me at the moment, mainly
for non Latin-1 characters)

First a little on Standard Latin orthography of Chleweyish:
  b, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, p, s, t, v monogrpahs have their usual IPA
  c is /tS/ when followed by a front vowel, /k/ otherwise.
  g is /dZ/ when followed by a front vowel, /g/ otherwize.
  j and y are /j\/ voiced palatal ficative
  q never occure alone
  r usually represented ad /r/ but its allophones will be discused bellow
  w is /Gw/, where /G/ is a voiced velar fricative
  x never occure, usually /ks/ or /S/ in foraign words.
  z is /ts/.

Besides there are the following diagraphs:
  ch, is /x/
  cy, for /tS/ before back vowels
  dj, for /dj\/ a voiced palatal affricate
  gh, for /g/ before front vowels
  gy, for /dZ/ before back vowels
  ly, for /L/ voiced palatal lateral approximant
  ny, for /J/ voiced palatal nasal
  qu, for /k_w/ labialized voiceless velar stop
  sy, for /C/ voiceless palatal fricative
  zy, for /tC/ voiceless palatal affricate

Vowels have long and short values
  orth long short
   a    A:   a
   ay   {:j  {j
   aw   O:w  Ow
   e    e:   E
   ee   E:
   ey   i:
   ew   ju:  ju
   i    i:   i
   o    o:   O
   oo   O:
   ow   u:
   u    u:   u
   uy   wi:  wi

In unstressed positions vowesl are pronounced with a lax version: /@/ for
<a> and <e>, /I/ for <i>, /U/ for <u>, etc. except those with long
orthografies: <ee>, <ey>, <oo>, <ow> which become short but tense.

Stress is on first syllable unless marked otherwise with an acute.  A
secundary stress could exist in long words and is marked with a grave.
Stressed syllables are two morae long, unstressed sylables are one morae.
One morae sylable can be CV, VC or CVC and two morae syllables could be
either CV:, CV:C or CVC: (where C: could be a geminated consonant or a
consonant cluster).

Some allophones are part of the correct accent:
  voiced stops becomes fricatives in intervocalic positions and unstressed
syllables (Excepts after nasals)
  voiceless stops are aspirated in the onset of a stress sylable, otherwise
are unaspirated.
  voiceless stops are unlreleased when syllable final.
  geminated voiceless stops (even in unstressed syllables) are an unreleased
stop followed by an aspirated stop.
  n becomes velar when followed by a velar consonant and is illegal before
labial consonants
  r is an alveolar trill when geminated, stress syllable onsets (except in
clusters) and word inicial.
  r is an alveolar tap in clusters and intervocalic (when following vowel is
not stressed)
  r is an alveolar approximant in syllable final positions
  r makes following alveolar into a retroflex (and becomes a retroflex
approximant if preceded by a vowel)

When using Thompinian orthography (with Thompinian alfabet:, monographs are
just replaces by Thompinian letters but diagraphs are replaced this way:
  ch, for {j/x}
  cy, for {c}{hh}
  dj, for {dj}
  gh, for {g}{h}
  gy, {g} followed by {ia}, {io} or {iu} or {g}{j} (when followed by {ai},
{au}, {oo}, {ow} or {ui}).
  ly, for {lj}
  ny, for {nj}
  qu, for {q}
  sy, for {sj}
  zy, for {zj}
  ay, for {ai}
  aw, for {au}
  ee, for {ee}
  ey, for {ei}
  eu, for {eu}
  oo, for {oo}
  ow, for {ou}
  uy, for {ui}

In Extended Latin Script (my Artspelling) the following changes are made.
  Circumflex or macro are used for long stressed vowels (instead of grave or
acute).  Circumflex for primmary stress, macro for secundary stress.
  Palatized <c>, <g>, <l>, <n>, <s> and <z> (either Cy or C before front
vowel) use an acute over it (and drop the <y>).
  <gh> is replaced by <g>
  <ch> is replaced by h bar <h->

Well, more later

Carlos Eugenio Thompson Pinzón
Datacom Support Engineer
Ericsson de Colombia (EDC)
Tel:    +571 623 9405
Fax:    +571 623 9314