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Re: a verb aspect--what's it called?

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Thursday, October 12, 2000, 2:23
En réponse à Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>:

> > which is great in that it has a lot of neat examples (a number of which > I > stole for Chevraqis), but couldn't find anything that corresponds to > "contemplative" (I thought it might be inchoative, but it seems not). > Does anyone know of an existing name for this sort of aspect, or should > I > just stick with the ad hoc "contemplative"? >
Well, I'm late of 150 posts, so I suppose someone already answered this question, but if I can help... "Contemplative" looks like a nice name for such an aspect. In fact, I wonder if I didn't already saw it used the same way somewhere else. But for the same aspect, there is the name "prospective", which I use in my conlang O (which happens to have exactly the same aspect) and which IIRC I saw in a grammar book or something like that... So maybe it's more "official". Christophe.